February 21, 2014
Michael Jackson had an amazing 13 number 1 hits as a solo artist, but the enormous disparity between the IRS and his estate’s executors in the valuation of his assets – to the tune of more than a billion – really tops the charts. 
How bad is it? Well, the IRS will tell you Michael Jackson’s estate was worth $1.125 billion at his death. Yet if you ask the estate’s executors, they’ll say it was more like $7 million. Yes, you read that right: billion versus million. From the IRS’s point of view, the estate’s undervaluation is so egregious that it qualifies for double the typical 20% penalty for underpayment. The agency is asking for the $505 million in taxes it finds the estate owes and an additional $197 million in penalties, totaling over $702 million.
There are points of contention between the two sides on almost every kind of asset, from music rights to automobiles. For starters, the IRS believes the use of Jackson’s likeness to create income is worth $434 million, yet Jackson’s executors assert it’s worth just $2,105. We can’t be sure who’s right on this one, but come on, there are washer/dryers worth more than that. Here’s another one – the IRS claims Jackson’s rights to certain Beatles songs are worth $469 million, not $0 as executors claim. Again, we’ll never know for sure who’s more on target, but a CPA did previously testify that Jackson borrowed $320 million against the music catalog.
As for MJ’s share to the rights of Jackson 5 master recordings? The IRS believes it’s worth $45.5 million, and the Jackson estate says $11.193 million. The battle that ensues over the taxable value of all these assets will be a big one, with both teams already singing vastly different tunes.
Getting agreement from the IRS on an asset’s value doesn’t just affect the likes of pop stars and celebrities. It’s true few of us deal with assets as unique and challenging to appraise as Beatles songs, master recordings, and the marketability of our likenesses. But even so, making sure appraisals of stocks, real estate, businesses, or any other more standard assets are fair and creditable can make all the difference when it comes to sailing swiftly through a potential audit – and maybe even avoiding one altogether.
February 14, 2014
After announcing the departure of 33-year company veteran and CEO Steve Ballmer last August, Microsoft has only just declared his successor – Satya Nadella. While tech news insiders agree with the internal Bill Gates-like choice, the lack of a clear succession plan from the start, has left an indelible mark.
Ballmer held his position as CEO for the last 14 years, giving Microsoft more than a decade to develop a succession plan. Yet when the announcement was made that he would step down, not only was a successor not named but the timeline and process for finding his replacement was vague. This left the company open to commentary from all sides for potential candidates, and it created damaging uncertainty with investors. Months without a clear, singular vision for any company can also create political minefields, with people unsure of whose approval to attain due to divergent visions and others jockeying for positions in the senior ranks.
If all that alone wasn’t enough to create confusion, only two weeks after Ballmer’s noted departure Microsoft announced that it would be acquiring Nokia for $7.2 billion, the second-largest acquisition from the company behind Skype.
As we can see, even a large corporation with plenty of visionary leaders on its Board of Directors, including Bill Gates, can fumble on a succession plan. While the situation is unfortunate, it is far from uncommon. The reality is, and perhaps understandably so, planning your exit isn’t usually the most exciting task for a leader, but it is essential.
In what can be a harrowing process, many business leaders who doattempt to make a plan take on too many tasks by themselves. Others simply don’t start early enough to identify and prepare the right people for future roles. With so much at stake – both emotionally, financially and professionally – the key is simply to bite the bullet, start early, and be thorough. Doing so can create a smooth transition that keeps confidence strong among customers, investors, and employees. This confidence can play a major role in ensuring the success of your company’s future and enhancing your own personal legacy.

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